Workshop w/ Gospel Inc. & First Choice

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][dt_fancy_image type=”image” image=”” style=”1″ width=”270″ padding=”10″ align=”left” animation=”none”][dt_fancy_image type=”image” image=”” style=”1″ width=”270″ padding=”10″ align=”left” animation=”none”][dt_fancy_image type=”image” image=”” style=”1″ width=”270″ padding=”10″ align=”left” animation=”none”][dt_fancy_image type=”image” image=”” style=”1″ width=”270″ padding=”10″ align=”left” animation=”none”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][dt_fancy_image type=”image” image=”” style=”1″ width=”270″ padding=”10″ align=”left” animation=”none”][dt_fancy_image type=”image” image=”” style=”1″ width=”270″ padding=”10″ align=”left” animation=”none”][dt_fancy_image type=”image” image=”” style=”1″ width=”270″ padding=”10″ align=”left” animation=”none”][dt_fancy_image type=”image” image=”” style=”1″ width=”270″ padding=”10″ align=”left” animation=”none”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][dt_fancy_image type=”image” image=”” style=”1″ width=”270″ padding=”10″ align=”left” animation=”none”][dt_fancy_image type=”image” image=”” style=”1″ width=”270″ padding=”10″ align=”left” animation=”none”][dt_fancy_image type=”image” image=”” style=”1″ width=”270″ padding=”10″ align=”left” animation=”none”][dt_fancy_image type=”image” image=”” style=”1″ width=”270″ padding=”10″ align=”left” animation=”none”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]I have had the most fantalastic day today! I’ve been workshopping with my former co-student Simon Frederiksen Hinz who is the temporary choir conductor of a gospel choir called First Choice. They came to Copenhagen all the way from Naestved to join us for today’s program. We spent the entire day learning new material and ended off doing a concert where each choir performed with individual material and joint numbers such as Pharrell’s “Happy”.
I also met up with some quite amazing musicians that I hadn’t been working with before: Dan Rasmussen, who undoubtedly is one of the most talented bass players in the country! I also enjoyed the company of drummer Rasmus Mortensen, who came all the way from Bornholm to join us. Holy Moly, they were down with their s*** – so hopefully I haven’t worked with them for the last time : P[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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